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I have no idea what I'm doing...Trying something new. I read a blog that has a "Not Me Monday" where you post about things you actually did but say not me lol. Anyways, when you post a not me monday you are supposed to link your blog to it. SO far I've never tried this because I'm clueless at what/how to do this stuff. Today on that blog she has introduced a new link system, so I have signed up and decided to give it a test run. Not sure why since no one reads my blog anyways! Anyways, if you blog, give MckLinky a try. www.mcklinky.comSo, today, Tuesday I'm going to have a "Tell me about it Tuesday" (totally just made that up.) Are you have a good day or bad? Post in your blog about it, and link it here. My day has been pretty crappy so far. I didn't sleep well (but Bree did which is a good thing). Bree has been so cranky, makes me think of the chick in the Exorcist movie. She pretty much cried and threw a tantrum for 2 hours this morning. I finally got her to take a nap, but it was brief, about 15 min. Thankfully her mood did improve. Tell me about your day.
See, no one missed the lack of posts, because I seriously think no one ever comes to my blog...except for maybe Kami, since she has been the only one to comment lately! Thanks for caring Kami :) If anyone else comes here, please leave a comment, so I know if I should bother updating. :PToday is Kelsey's last day of drivers ed class! One less thing to have to drive her to lol. She has one more week of her earth science class then no more school crap till August. Well...except for flag practice. But no more waking up early for anything woohoo.Nothing new has happened since my last post really. Dog is still in a cast, and the last time she went to the vets the dude said it could take up to 4 months for it to be healed. Are you kidding me??Its been really hot out lately, so our days have been spent outside playing in Bree's little pool, or her playing in her new (used) sandbox with pink sand, or enjoying the air conditioning inside! As usual, I've taken lots of pics lately...I'll post some at the end of this post, and a video too! Thrilled eh?Jilly was at her dads all last week, and will be this week too. I miss her lots. BUT I don't miss the fighting between her and Kelsey. Or the constant eating all day and messes, and going in and out a gazillion times a day, and watching all the reruns on Nick & Disney. Aubrey really misses her "ninny" that is how she says Jilly.Today Bill took Kels to school for her last day of drivers ed, and he let her drive his truck! EEK! I hope Kels did well. Bill said on his way out, if he dies, he is going to haunt me forever LOL.Just a question for you, and an odd one at that...why does blue foods (koolaid, juice, fruit snacks, yogurt etc) make green poop? Wouldn't ya think it'd make blue poop? Just something to ponder...Something random: McD's $1 large fountain pops rock my world!LOL bizarre post today eh? Because I'm in a weird mood and really don't have much to talk about...strange for me isn't it? So, I'll post some pics here now to bore you with...Aubrey trying to be an ostrich by putting her head in the sand:
Tiny bubbles:
Jilly the poser:
Slip & slide fun:

Aubrey in her new suit:
Funny face:
Here is a link to see a video of Bree & the bug, since I'm not sure how to post the actual video here..., now that I've probably bored you to death, I'll say...TOODLES!
I know I know, it's been FOREVER since I've posted here on my blog. Since no one ever really reads it I didn't think it would be a big deal to blow it off...then one thing lead to another and months went by...oops. Sorry :)I'm going to blame some of my being MIA to Facebook! I joined it, after mom told me about it...and now I'm on it way to often...which means I've been neglecting my blog and myspace. I enjoy Facebook's status msgs, it keeps me "In the know" of what is up with my friends and family. I HATE all the dumb quizes on Facebook though. I really don't care what 80's song my friend is, or what color someone should wear etc. A lot has gone on around here since ummm October since my last post (wow, it has been a LONG time!). Let me fill you in on some things.In November, my brother remarried to a real nice woman, her name is Beth. She and I have become pretty close, its nice. Robb & Beth are now expecting their first baby together, due November 11th.
In December, I turned the big 4-0. Whoopdeefrickindoo. Enough said. Also, Aubrey turned 1! The weekend before her birthday we had a party for her with a Winter ONEderland theme to it. There were snowflakes hanging from the ceiling all throughout the house, and clear Christmas lights, it was rather pretty. She of course had a great time and after a little coaxing she enjoyed her cake too. Then on her actual birthday on Dec. 19, we had snow, so she experienced her sled for the first time (and loved it!) and we had another little cake for her that day. It was nice. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

In Feb. Kelsey turned 15, I know, scary, right?! She had a few friends over for pizza and cake. She wanted a cake that looked like her iPod.
March brought Bill's birthday. He's turning into a cranky old fart :) But I love him anyways. He didn't want any cake or anything, so no pics to show of his day.In April, our dog Moo managed to break her leg, in 2 places. Not sure how she did it, she was out in the fenced in yard by herself. We heard a loud screaching cry and found her cowarded down with her back leg just dangling limply. Thankfully Bill was home early that day and he was able to take her to the Aurora Animal Hospital. Its now June and Moo is STILL sporting her cast. She has gotten out of it several times and she is costing us a buttload of money. She has to have weekly vet visits as day she brought home some fleas with her...oh fun! Now she, and the 2 cats ...and the carpet...have fleas.
May brought several family birthdays. My dad turned 66, and I made him 6 cakes, 1 for that day, the rest to put in the freezer for whenever he was in the mood. Dad LOVES cake...with lots of frosting! May also brought the end of Kelsey's freshman year. She did pretty decent in school, mostly A's & B's.Now its June. Things have been busy so far. Jilly finished school. Kelsey started drivers ed class and driving. Kelsey also had practices and tryouts for the Flag Corps at school (she made the team yay!). So I've been very busy being mom taxi. Some days I am taking Kels back and forth to school 3 times! It's getting OLD FAST.I've also been working on being a weaner! LOL On May 16 I decided it was time to work on this, Aubrey had her last daytime boobfest at 10a.m. as she went down for a nap and has not had a daytime feeding since. I found a crazy method, that suits crazy ole me...I put bandaids on my boobs! When she asked for booby, I told her I had "owies". She asked to see them numerous times, and each time she'd pat them, say "nice" and then give them a kiss lol. She was trying to make mommy's "owies" better like I do for hers. I found it sweet, in a weird sort of way :) Aubrey does still get boob if she wakes up during the night (which she always does) but we are making progress. Once Kels is done with drivers ed, and we don't have to get up early for anything I'm going to give her the sippy cup if she wakes at night...let the screaming begin.There is something else I'd like to talk about, but I am unable to at this time because the person its about has not given me permission to share. Hopefully soon, as I'd like to share my thoughts/feelings on it.That should about catch you up on the latest here. Nothing overly exciting eh? I have tons of pics I'd like to share, but don't want to overload here. If anyone is interested in seeing more pics, leave me a comment, and I'll link ya so you can view them...most are of Aubrey of course because she is my most willing model. Here are a few of my favorites...

Ok I'll stop lol. I could go on and on and on....Signing off for now...Toodles!