I am Renee. I'm fat, in my fortys, and fabulous :) I am currently a stay at home mom (my former job was working in a bakery). Sometimes I make and decorate cookies and cakes for friends and family, I enjoy doing this and making them smile. I love chocolate, chicken, and McD's cokes. I live in a small town in IL. I am the wife to Bill. He is my goofy hard working husband. Bill and I got married Feb. 2, 2006, after a short courtship...we just knew we were meant to be. We are both nuts, somewhat the jokesters and have a weird sense of humor...made for each other. Only thing is, he is more outspoken than I...I am online, but in person, I'm quite shy!
I have 3 kids from previous marriage, Zach, Kelsey, and Jillian. Bill and I have one child together, Aubrey aka Bree.
Let me tell you about the girls first...
*Kelsey is 16. She can be very helpful to me, especially with Bree. She can also be very outspoken, and full of attitude, typical teenage PMSy kinda girl stuff...when that happens I'd like to put her in a padded cell :) just kidding...sorta.
*Jillian aka Jilly is 10, she is a total diva, full of attitude. She loves to change her clothing 20 times a day, and she can be quite the handful!
*Aubrey aka Bree, is 2 1/2. Bree is turning into a little Jilly...a diva, and a clothing changer! She is very talkative, and smart for her age. She makes me laugh frequently, and sometimes she makes me want to scream! :)
Let's talk about Zach now. Zach is my first born, he is now 20, and wow, do I feel OLD now! Zach has moved back in with us now and is looking for a job (cross your fingers he finds one soon! for my sanity!) Zach 'came out of the closet' a few years ago. I always had a feeling he was gay, so I was somewhat prepared. I love him no matter what, and accept him as he is. I did have a little mourning period though, which I think is normal (at least I hope it is), just because I had always invisioned him growing up, getting married, having kids etc...Things may not work that way anymore. It is still possible though, just has to be gone about a different way, so life is good still.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! I hope you enjoy my blog and visit often.
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