*Photo Shoots:I'm offering outside photo shoots in Mendota. We could do it by the lake, or somewhere else in town that has some pretty scenery.
For $40.00 (paid in full at time of session) you can get a 30 minute photo session, and I will give you a cd containing your photos (about a week later, maybe sooner) so you can use the photos as you please. All money raised will go to Relay for Life.
I am not a professional photographer, but I've been told I take some pretty decent pictures. I'm including some collages of some below for you to view.
If you would like to book a time please contact me at reneesramblingsATgmailDOTcom
* SUPPORT a friend!:Want to do a gag to a friend for a birthday, other special event or just for fun? We can help! We just hope your friend has a sense of humor :)
For $20.00, we will visit your friends home and show SUPPORT with BRAS! Some TP peoples houses, some put a bunch of plastic flamingos, but we decorate with support bras :)
We will display the bras in the bushes & trees, and we will include a sign that will read something like "Honk and show SUPPORT for *name*! It's his/her birthday!" We can include your name, unless you want to keep it a secret!
On the back of the sign, we'll have information for your friend, telling them that we will come back to reclaim the bras and clean up what we left in approximately 24 hours (give or take, depending on weather situations etc.). If they want it removed before the 24 hour time, we can arrange that too.
Sound like fun? Who would you like to SUPPORT? :) Sign ups will be soon, once I get enough bras lined up!
Once again, all money earned from these fundraisers will go to our Relay for Life events.
Are you in the Mendota or surrounding area? Would you like to join our team? If yes, please contact me at reneesramblingsATgmailDOTcom . Thanks!