I know, I haven't blogged in a few days, but that is only because I was away. Friday we went to the local fair and on Saturday, the girls & I went to visit my brother and his wife in Springfield. They bought a house a year ago in May, and I had yet to see it...finally I got to! It's a 2 1/2 hour drive to their home. Friday:We walked around the fair, Bree liked most of the animals...except for a yak/ox type of thing. It kept sticking its tongue out, and I think one time while we were looking at something, I think it licked her! She got freaked out all the sudden and kept saying, "Guy, tongue, scare me". She called that animal a guy. Talked about it all night! I thought for sure she'd have nightmares!Here is a picture of the tongue "guy":

I get super nervous traveling to unknown places. I have absolutely NO SENSE OF DIRECTION. So I get worried I'll get lost, then stop for directions and still be clueless because they'll say, go west, then turn and head north, or whatever...lol I'll be like ummm is that left or right? I'm a ditzy blonde. My sister in law sent me directions that were pretty good, and she even talked to me on the phone to explain the confusing areas of the trip...but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. We made it there and back in one piece.
They have a HUGE beautiful home. I'm so jealous. 2 1/2 of my house would fit into theirs. Bree had a blast running around. The girls played hide & seek indoors too. We had a great visit. I was worried Bree wouldn't sleep well away from home, and well, she didn't, but she doesn't sleep well at home either LOL. We had 5 wake ups while there that night.
Sunday morning we lounged around a bit then headed out to see the town on the way to the mall. We saw the capital building, Lincoln's home and law office, the governers mansion, and a few other historical things. When we went to the mall, I finally found some black high tops for Jilly, she's been wanting them really bad. Kels needs shoes too, but she has giant feet, and their selection for her size was slim. Then we hit up Build a Bear, where Aubrey got to make her first bear, she got a panda, she LOVES it.
After shopping we went to lunch, at Charlie Parkers. It was featured on Diners Drive Ins and Dives on the Food Network. Unfortunately it wasn't nearly as good as I had hoped. Our waitress must have been on crack, she was so bizarre, and totally messed up everything.
We went back to Robb & Beth's and relaxed a bit, and packed up. Before leaving the girls went out for a bit. They found a toad, and a HUGE GROSS slug. My nephew found a snake too. Yuck. Aubrey was very afraid of the snake.
The drive home seemed to last FOREVER. We went slower because I didn't want to get a ticket lol. We also had to slow down for some heavy rain at one point. About half way home we stopped for a break at a McD's with a play area outside. Aubrey loved the playplace, so did Jilly. Thankfully, before we left, Bree pooped, so I was able to change her before we headed back on the road.
I was happy to be home finally. It was a tiring trip. Fun though. The girls want to go back again. Maybe we will make one more trip before bad weather comes. If not, maybe once Beth has the baby :)
I was really looking forward to bedtime last night. I finally had gotten Bree to sleep and was going to relax a few minutes at the computer...then it happened....I heard coughing...which always leads to....PUKING. I headed to the bedroom hoping I'd get there in time. Bree was sleeping/coughing, and as I walked into the room, barfing. I picked her up really quickly and ran to the bathroom, hoping to get some into the sink, if not the toilet. She & I ended up wearing most of it. It was so gross. I wiped her off, got her in the tub, Jilly helped in the tub too. She felt really bad that Aubrey barfed, because Jilly is the one that gave Bree her cold, which lead to the coughing fit, and the barf. It was kind of a sweet moment. Jilly kept saying she was sorry to Bree for getting her sick, and that she wishes she could trade places with her so she wouldn't have to barf. Sweet sister moment. I got myself cleaned up while Bree was in the tub. Then came the task of changing bedsheets and laundry. When everything was done and cleaned up we came out to the living room to rock & cuddle. At that point we heard KABOOM! It was the fireworks down at the fair (2 blocks from our house). Bree, Jilly & I went out to the swing in front of the house and sat and watched the fireworks cuddled up in a blanket. Bree sat so quiet, just watching, I thought she was going to fall asleep. She did on July 4th. LOL After the fireworks were done we returned to the living room to cuddle, and Bree fell asleep. Thankfully she barfed no more last night, and didn't cough either. AND here is the best news of all...she slept all night! She has done this less then a dozen times since she's been born. It made me a happy camper.
So, how was your weekend?
Here is Bree feeling baby Trinity kicking:

Here is Bree & her Panda she made at Build a Bear (pic from after we got home)