The theme for the Round-Up today isn't really an ingredient this time, its: Kid Concoctions. Anything for kids, could be something edible like a kid snack, or something not edible like bubble solution, paint, play-doh or whatever. Please join me and link up with your kid concoction recipes.
If you would like to participate in Renee's Recipe Round-Up just follow these few simple rules:
1. Blog about a recipe that fits this weeks theme (Kid Concoctions).
2. In your blog post, please include my Renee's Ramblings button and link back to me (you can grab my button over on the side, just highlight the code, hit control & C to copy, then paste into your blog post. Easy.
3. Come back here and add your URL to the linky below.
Now that we got that all said, lets rock & roll with some awesome recipes of Kid Concoctions!
My first recipe is GOOP. We made this the first time last year, and the girls loved it. We just made it again today to keep the girls busy outside while I cleaned the carpets. Its simple to make, just takes a few ingredients, but be prepared for a mess. I find its best for the girls to do this one outside, and I have a bucket ready to wash hands right away.
Put 1 cup of water in a large bowl. Add some food coloring if you wish. Then slowly add 2 cups of corn starch. Stir with a spoon, but you may end up using your hands toward the end. Then play in it! You can hit it and it gets hard, then goes soft again. You can grab a handful, make a ball with it in your hand, then open your hand and it will turn to liquid again!
Mock Kiddie burgers & fries:
vanilla wafers
mint patties
frosting colored (green for lettuce, yellow for mustard, red for ketchup)
green fruit roll ups (if you want pickles, cut them into little rounds)
sesame seeds
The mint is the meat, and the wafers the bun (obviously), use the frosting condiments as the glue to hold it all together. To make the lettuce and stuff I used cake decorating tips. When they are all put together with the meat and lettuce etc...brush the top with slightly watered down honey, then sprinkle sesame seeds on top. To make it look like a basket meal, I used coffee filters to hold it and used shoe string potato snacks for "fries".