If you would like to participate please follow these simple rules:
1. Blog about the topic with pics, after all its SHOW ME Saturday.
2. In your blog post, please include my Renee's Ramblings button and link back to me (you can grab my button over on the side, just highlight the code, hit control & C to copy, then paste into your blog post. Easy.
3. Come back here and add your URL to the linky below.
The theme for this week is CHILDHOOD TOYS, your favorites! Here are some of mine
I loved my Easy Bake oven! Maybe that is what got me started on my cake decorating journey? Fashion Plates was so cool, I thought I was a hot shot making fashionable clothing drawings. Lite-Brite, totally rockin! Mom hated it because of the little peg things always being all over the house. We totally thought we were cool kids when we got Atari. I loved the ping pong game on there.
My favorite, Donny & Marie dolls. My brother had the Bionic Man, and I had the woman. We'd hang out downstairs playing with these....we did get along once in a while, when he wasn't setting my hair on fire, or trying to suffocate me with bean bag chairs..
My favorite is saved for last...my roller skates! I loved to skate. I spent every day, and all weekend from open to close at the skating rink. My friends Amy, Shelley, and myself helped out DJ'ing, and working the concession stand at the rink. We also got to hang out there when it wasn't open to the public, it was soooo cool having the rink to ourselves to practice and hang out. I joined the skate club and was going to start competition skating, but we moved before I got to compete, I was totally bummed. Skating was my LIFE.
Wow, it was nice to be thin back then :) I was the chubbier of my 2 friends, but looking at it now, I didn't look that bad.
I hope you enjoyed Show Me Saturday this week! Please link up, and follow the rules!
QOTD: Do you have a good memory?