Just wanted to say a quick Hello before going to bed. It has been a busy few days in the kitchen making cookies galore, they are now finally DONE. Tomorrow I have to package and deliver...and clean my kitchen!
Miss Bree has been a challenge the last few days while I've been busy. She's had to keep herself busy, and well...she has, by doing stuff she shouldn't!
*She was in the bathroom, I went to check on her, noticed her hands were wet. I asked her what she was doing...her reply, "I was cleaning the mirror with toilet water!" and she was...there was a wad of wet TP stuck to the mirror.
*She emptied all the cat treats out of the bag.
*She made concoctions that she called 'fruit salad' from her lunch and other things...it wasn't pretty...
*She keeps trying to carry one of the cats, the bigger one...that's not going well, and she is driving Tigger nuts.
That is just a few of the things she's done. I think she is rebelling that mom has been busy LOL.
Tomorrow I hope to have time to do a real post. Until then...
SUPER FUDGE! Quadruple Chocolate Brownies
1 week ago