Seems like just yesterday I was on my way to the hospital freaking out about a possible c-section, freaking out about who was going to watch Zach while I was at the hospital, freaking about if her dad would make it in time since we were separated and he was living in WI at the time and all that jazz.
I did end up having a c-section, because Kelsey wanted to come out butt first. Zach was taken care of by my old neighbors until my mother in law arrived. My ex didn't make it in time, but arrived shortly after. My mom was with me and got to carry Kelsey to the nursery after the birth. I'm pretty sure that's something she cherishes, right mom?
Kelsey was a beautiful baby, and has grown up to be a beautiful young woman. She is a big help to me with Bree, and is a great big sister. Kels always helps me when I'm on a cookie making spree, which I appreciate big time. Kelsey does well in school, and I'm very proud.
Here are some pics of Kelsey when she was younger.
Some of those are pictures from the daddy/daughter dances. A picture of her with her new glasses when she first got glasses. One of her displaying our banner for the Light the Night Walk. Kelsey even donated her hair to Locks of Love! :)
Here are some various pictures from this past year:
She's probably going to kill me when she sees I put that picture of her with her make up done by Bree into this collage. :) Isn't she beautiful?
Kelsey requested I make her a blanket for her birthday, she picked out the fleece and I made it. She loves peace signs, and has a purse that has them on it, she found fleece to match! I also made her a peace sign birthday cake. She begged me to use fondant on it, so I did...and hated every second of it! I hate fondant, I am not good with it and I get frustrated. Here are pics of her blanket and cake:
Tonight we'll go out to dinner to celebrate Kelsey's birthday. That is our tradition, birthdays mean food out :) I'm hoping she pics a place where I can have them embarrass her for her birthday. If you know Kelsey, please send her birthday wishes on Facebook, or text her, or call her, or comment here for her :) Even if you don't know her, I'm sure she'd love birthday wishes here in the comments!