Another pet peeve of mine (sorry if this offends any of you), is people that post a crap ton of pictures of THEMSELVES on facebook. Really, how conceited & vain are we?? (see, 2 ??'s made my point very well). It really annoys me. Oh, don't get me started on the pucker face, duck face, whatever you wanna call it... why do they do it? I don't understand, do they think it makes them look cute? I have news for does NOT.
For fun (although it wasn't) I took a crap ton of pics of me (in my ugly toothless glory), just to prove a point.
See. OVERKILL. One pic of me would have been way more then enough. But by golly I wanted to make sure you saw me in my funny faces.
Do you know someone on FB that takes a ton of pics of themselves? I do. Really... GET. OVER. YOURSELF. Sorry. You may be pretty, or you may not.. do we really need to see you over and over and over and OVER in the same poses with the same goofy faces?
Whew. I feel better getting that off my chest.