Today I got some good news. You see, I have a brother, his name is Robb. I also have another brother Rick, but well...we don't talk much, he's to busy for family. So anyways, Robb the good brother lol married Beth a year ago on Nov. 1.
Not to many months later, they were trying to get pregnant. After a few disappointing tries, they finally succeeded :)
In August we went to the baby shower for Robb & Beth. It was on Jilly's birthday. It was a fun, long day. Beth got lots of good stuff for the baby...
Later on in the pregnancy, back in Sept. the girls and I went to visit Robb & Beth out in Springfield. Here is a picture of Bree feeling the baby while we were there...
Isn't that cute? Bree talked about that for a long time. She even tried feeling my "fat belly" as she called it, and said there was a baby in there lol ummm no.We haven't been able to see Beth since that visit, since she has been grounded by her doctor so no traveling. I do talk to her regularly on the phone she can talk! :)The plan was, she was going to call me when she went to the hospital. So I'd know things were moving and I needed to be near the phone. Well, today that plan basically went out the window. As I was at walmart picking up some sock for the girls and granny panties for me, my cell phone rang. Its Beth. I asked if she was by any chance at the hospital, and she said yes...and she said, actually, you are already an aunt! WHAT?! Apparently they went in around 2:30 I think she said (hard to hear her on the phone at Walmart), and by 8:30 she had delivered via c-section. Trinity Rose, 7lbs 6 oz, 20 in. long. YAY!! Beth and baby are doing great. I wish I had some pictures to show you all (if I had any readers lol) but the only picture I have at the moment is the one she sent me via my cell phone. As soon as I get one though I'll be sure to share. She is very cute!
So that is my good news of the day :) It made me a happy camper. I can't wait till we are all well enough to go visit...right now Bree & I are dealing with colds.
Thats it for now...