So today, Bree & I decided to make a turkey hat for her for something to do. We traced her hands for the wings, we made feathers, a head, beak, and that little dangler thingy...and this is what we came up with:
Isn't turkey girl cute? I think so. Even with cracker in her mouth. She put her turkey hat on and waited for Daddy to come home for lunch a bit ago. When he pulled in the driveway, she was at the window looking out saying "gobble gobble gobble". I think it made Daddy's day.
Speaking of Daddy. He's been fighting sickness along with me for the last few months. He is sporting a low fever right now and is cranky, wait, I should say crankier then usual :P It is hard being sick, and working 2 jobs, it totally wears ya out...which is the reason for his cranky demeaner. Anyways, please keep him in your thoughts and/or prayers that he gets better soon.
Its a gloomy chilly day again today. Blah. If its going to be like this we should at least have some damn snow. Have I mentioned I LOVE snow? :)
Thats it for now I guess. Sorry I suck. Toodles.
Turkey Girl is adorable...
and I have the same issues blogging. I'll be good for a few days in a row, then totally lag at it ;)
YOU DO NOT SUCK!!!!!!! Stop that this instant! Geez, I totally understand what it's like to have kids climbing all over you while you are on the computer-I just yelled at my kids for bugging the crap out of me!
i LOVE the turkey cute!
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