I haven't blogged since the 10th.
I'm sorry. I've just been kind of lazy...
Well not totally lazy, I've been busy with life things, just haven't blogged.
On my birthday, I cleaned all day. Lovely way to spend my birthday :)
I also made a cake, for Bree's birthday party which was on Dec. 11.
For my birthday we went to dinner at Applebees. It was nice having dinner out. Even if I got sang to and embarrassed. I bet my face was as red as the apple on their logo.
Bree's face when we got sang to was so funny. She looked totally puzzled and kind of freaked out! She did love the big ice cream sundae they brought for me though. The girls all shared with me. Well I should say they ate it..I had 1 bite.
On the 11th there was snow predicted, some actual nasty weather was coming. Not to many showed up at Bree's party, only my mom, and my Sister In Law with Trinity. It was sad that I did all that cleaning on my birthday for nothing lol. Oh well, we had a nice time visiting. I was surprised my SIL came out actually, she lives 2.5 hours away. We kept close tabs on the weather so she could get back with Trinity before it got to bad out. Speaking of Trinity, wow she is so cute, with the bluest eyes. I wish we lived closer so I could see her more.
Bree loved her cake I made her (Strawberry Shortcake), and she loved her gifts. She got a iXL and some games from us, she calls it her DS, she likes to be like the big girls. She plays with this all the time, it was a great investment. Next we'll have to invest in rechargable batteries since we are going through a LOT of them. She got a giant Candyland game from my mom. She got a Strawberry Shortcake & Lemon Meringue doll from my Brother, SIL & Trinity. She loved everything.
Hmm lets see. The nasty weather did come on Saturday night & Sunday. It was so bad Sunday that Bill came home from work and told me I am NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE HOUSE. Shortly after the police called to say the same thing, do not go out unless there is an emergancy. No sweat. I wanted a day to chill out and relax, and that is just what I did. I sat on the couch and read an entire book. It was good. I cuddled up in my nice soft blanket Bill got me for my birthday and I just read and chilled out...and texted some friends. :) Bree played her iXL and watched her shows, the girls did the same. I felt guilty for being so lazy, but hell, I deserved it!
I think I was a tad lazy on Monday too. :) I don't remember. I do know that I'm kinda sick of bowling season. It means a lot of back and forth here and there driving. Gets tiresome getting Bree set to go out and in the van and out again, only to get in again in an hour etc. .
Kelsey has been taking her finals early this week instead of next, for she is going to stay a few days at her grandparents house. She'll be going there Sunday.
Been busy the last few days making some cookies. I love doing them, but they take a long time. I'm going to ship some out to my dear friend Dazee, I hope they arrive in one piece, not crumbs. Gosh, I totally better get them shipped tomorrow..
Last night I slept crappy. Bree woke up several (like 5) times. Jilly also woke up once around 3:20ish. She was up in the bathroom crying that her throat hurt. I had her drink some warm liquid and go to bed. She woke up still feeling sick this morning so she stayed home from school. She slept until 2 this afternoon! I'm sure it was just what she needed though. I'm hoping she is better tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow...I'm looking forward to it. I'm going with my Mom to get a pedicure. My feet will be so thrilled...they are pretty rough and yucky right now, they need some TLC.
So there ya have it. That is how I've been spending my lazy time. What have you been up to?
QOTD: IF you could be famous for a day, what kind of famous would you want to be? Would you want to be a movie star? rock star? president? inventor?
I would like to be Jesus so I could see Elliott. Nothing else matters to me at this time. Glad you got a blanket and getting your feet done. And as far as the Coke at McDonalds, you want it to go away, you cannot lose weight drinking that stuff. I am starting Weight Watchers on Jan 6th at the hotel in Plano if you are interested in night out and accomplishing a goal
If I could be famous I would like to be Garcia on Criminal Minds so my boyfriend would call me baby girl.
that sucks big time that you had to clean for your birthday. who do I need to hurt?
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