Greetings Dear Readers!
I'm excited to let you know that I've been given the opportunity to do a review AND giveaway through
MyBlogSpark and

Are you excited? I am!
I've been planning to do it for a while now, but life got in the way. Aubrey had a tummy bug, then we had our little vacation, and then I kept forgetting to pick up the product! But finally I did and I'm going to tell you about it :)
My girls love yogurt, especially my youngest daughter Aubrey.
Yoplait provided me with a coupon to pick up some of their
Yoplait Kids yogurt to try. Aubrey & I visited our grocery store on a mission to pick up
Yoplait Kids yogurt. We located it in the dairy section and I let Aubrey pick it out. I thought for sure she was going to grab the Dora ones, but she found Disney Princess packs! I had never seen those before, I had only seen the Blues Clues & Dora packs. Aubrey was totally excited to have yogurt with Cinderella on it! She was sold!
I too was sold, when I saw good things on the package, such as 2 Box Tops for Education! There was good news about the yogurt containing live & active cultures , vitamins, calcium, protein, and less sugar!

I love that my kids love yogurt, its good for them, and a much better choice then junk food. I am glad I don't have to 'twist their arm' to get them to eat it, they ask for it!

Are you looking for a wholesome snack for your kids? Look no further,
Yoplait Kids is a great snack!

Guess what!
Yoplait, and
MyBlogSpark, have provided me with a
Yoplait Kids prize package to give to a lucky reader! They also provided me with one, and let me tell you, it is awesome! See for yourself:

This *
Yoplait prize package includes a coupon** for any
Yoplait Kids product, a "My First Scavenger Hunt" game, a pack of four ice cream spoons, alphabet shaped kiddie bands, a big bounce ball, a magnet frame, and a fold-able cooler for taking your kids packs on the go.
Awesome right? Want to win? It's easy! Just leave me a comment. Be sure to include your email address so I can easily contact you if you are the lucky winner. I will pick a winner on Thursday morning.Want some
Yoplait Kids to hold you over until you win? You can
click HERE and get a coupon to save some money on your purchase!
*The coupon**, prize package, giveaway and information are provided by
Yoplait through
MyBlogSpark..Thank you!
**This coupon offer for a free four pack of
Yoplait Kids yogurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota and Tennessee.
Be sure to "Like"
Yoplait on Facebook, and "Follow"
Yoplait on Twitter to get the latest
Yoplait news!
Whew! I hope I got everything in there that needed to be said :) Enjoy your
Yoplait! Oh, one more thing... The little cups that the yogurt comes in can be washed out and used for other things, they make great water cups for when your kids are painting
