Most of this post will be in pictures...
Jilly got a tooth pulled last week. I didn't take pics. She was quite nervous, but she survived and did well.
Friday we did the Relay For Life...well a new version of it anyways. The Relay for Life got their money still, and that is the important thing. Instead of going to the one in Yorkville, where a lot of the stuff was going to be done in the hot gym, we opted for a little different view. Dan & Cindy had us come to their place, and we set up camp there, and walked the street by their house. We slept (or for the most part didn't sleep) in our tents in their yard, had a campfire, shared memories and good conversation, and had lots of fun.

That is Dan, Jilly, and a neighbors grand daughter in the picture. There was probably 20 or so of us once everyone arrived.
Bree got a new bike...she's still learning the pedal thing,she tends to push her feet backwards, which stops the bike instead of making it go...but practice will make perfect, someday...

We've had what seems to be lots of rain, the other night we even had a double rainbow.

The girls have been enjoying summer. They had a silly string fight. Here is Kels on the losing side of the fight LOL...

Bree has been enjoying her pool...even Jilly & Kels join her sometimes.

I won a plant on Facebook, all I had to do was 'like' a status of the radio station I listen to, and they picked a few winners. I was one of the lucky ones. :) Thanks to Jilly's old 1st grade teacher (and my friend) Becky for picking it up for me! Isn't it pretty?

It's a good size plant, I need to find a place to plant it.
Does anyone know what kind of tree this is:

It is in my front yard. Its a fragrant tree and I've always wondered what kind it was...trying to find out but not having much luck. It has like 2 different color leaves, the dark green, and ones that are more a yellow/green, and it has yellowish flowers. I don't think it blooms every year...if I remember right last year it didn't and I was disappointed. Another thing I've noticed is the lightning bugs seem to love to hang out in it during the day! LOTS of them. Speaking of lightning bugs...the girls are outside now trying to catch some :)
I've been spending a lot of time doing this:

and some of this:
iRazoo its pretty much the same as swagbucks just a few differences.
Between the 2 of these I've earned over $70 so far.
Did I tell you all I got a Kindle? I think I did... I LOVE IT. I've gotten a lot of free books to read. I did buy a few for $.99, and I splurged on the new Janet Evanovich book, Smokin' Seventeen...I used my Amazon gift cards that I won through Swagbucks & iRazoo to get it :) The book was GREAT! I love Janet Evanovich books, I can't wait till the next one comes out in November, and in Jan. there is a MOVIE! Woohoo! :)
Today Kels & I made different kinds of flipflops. I'll try to get some pics of them soon and share about them.