Here are the questions with Jilly's answers:
1. What is your favorite subject in school?
2. What is your least favorite subject?
Social Studies
3. What is your favorite TV show?
Wizards of Weaverly Place
4. Where do you like to go out to eat at?
Steak & Shake
5. If I let you have another pet, what would it be?
a bunny
6. What kind of job do you want when you are an adult?
I want to be a singer
7. What is your favorite candy?
Smarties & Hershey's cookies & cream
8. Do you want to marry when you are older?
Yes, I want to marry Justin Beiber
9. Do you want to have kids? How many?
Yes, 2
10. If you could only wear 1 color of clothing, what color would you want it to be?
11. Do you want to go to your high school prom?
12. Who do you have a crush on right now?
Justin Beiber & Robert Pattinson
13. What is your favorite movie?
Twilight & New Moon
14. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Toy Story
15. What is your favorite song?
Eenie Meenie (Justin Beiber) You Smile (Justin Beiber)
16. Is your mom the coolest?
Uhhh surrrreee
17. What is your favorite DS game?
Cooking Mama
18. What is your favorite thing on the McDonalds menu?
Shamrock shakes & French fries!
19. What do you do in your spare time?
Drive my mom insane. Listen to music, watch TV, drink Dr. Pepper, play with Bree and beat up Kelsey.
20. Who are your favorite teachers?
Mrs. Hartman (3rd grade), Mrs. Kramer (1st grade), Miss Rose (current art teacher)
There you have it, now you know the ins & outs of Miss Jilly Bean. I hope you enjoyed getting to know her. Toodles!
QOTD: Can you play a musical instrument?
Great idea! She seems like a super star kiddo! :)
Oh my, I first thought that she wanted to be a stripper when she grew up. tee-hee-hee. my bad.
Loved all her answers. Shhh I like Wizards of Waverly Place too.
Jillybean is so cool. I love that you interviewed her.
QOTD: Yes, I play a LOT actually. I haven't counted in a long time but I think it is somewhere around 12 instruments or so. My music instructors loved to see how far they could stretch my abilities so they were often tossing new instruments at me and daring me to learn to play it. I was most proficient at woodwind instruments and piano. The only class of instruments I never tried was string instruments.... actually that's not true, I did try the guitar but didn't really like it. It hurt my fingers.
Don't ask me to play any of those instruments anymore though. I simply don't have the lung capacity thanks to smoking and ever-worsening asthma.
I love this idea too! And I love how you call her Jilly Bean-so cute!!
I loved #19!
And her and Lauren sound a lot alike-Laur loves Wizards of Waverly too!
ANSWER: I played the violin when I was little for about a year? Maybe not even that-my teacher died so my interest in the instrument died too. I do play a mean 'chop sticks' on the piano though! :)
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