I think right now at this moment, the only rules I have are that you link back to me, you can use the blog button I have over on the side for now (you'll have to highlight then hit control & c, because I have right click disabled on the site, sorry), if things go well I'll try to get a special button made up. The other rule would be no pornographic pictures of any kind.
The first topic is.....PROM! Blog about your prom, or a prom, and be sure to include a picture if you have one, after all, its SHOW ME Saturday :) I hope this works!
Ok, the reason I have prom on the mind is its a busy prom weekend! My niece went to one last night and today. My son Zach is at one tonight with a co-worker, and this evening I took the girls to my oldest daughters school to watch all the prom go'ers show off their fancy dresses.
I just happen to have a picture of me going to my prom (well it was taken BEFORE prom actually). It was back in my skinny days..which didn't last long LOL. My prom date was actually my first husband, we married about a year after prom. It was my senior prom, he was already out of school. It took place at a country club, than after we went out to Chicago to roam the city all dressed up. It was COLD and rainy. Brr. Anyways, here is my SHOW ME picture:
Now its YOUR TURN! Show me! Blog about prom, and post a pic, then link up here. Have fun.
QOTD (question of the day to answer in comments): How much did your prom dress (or tux) cost?
Renee, I was never asked to Prom, so I can't link and join. boo-hoo. maybe next week.
This is a great idea! And you look gorgeous in those pictures! I THINK I still kept my prom pictures? I threw some of them away because why? Because the guys that would ask me were scum and I didn't want to remember that I dated them. I'll check my little hope chest today and see if I still have them handy. :)
ANSWER: We used to live by this sweet lady that actually made her garage a rental place of dresses! Prom/bridesmade/and even bridal gowns! You could rent them, or buy them. So we rented all mine! Thankfully, because I seriously would have just worn them once anyways! :)
*Bridesmaid. Jeez I can't spell! :)
I never went to prom so I can't participate in this one. I was asked for not only my own but my boyfriend's at the time who went to a different school. Something always happened either a few days or even a few hours before that ended with me not attending.
I always borrowed my dresses from friends though so it didn't cost me anything.
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