It's Friday It's Friday! Hip Hip Hooray its Friday! Today was Kelsey's last Friday of school for the school year. She goes back Monday and then she is out for the summer. Jilly goes to school until the 28th. Then it will be crazy time. You'll probably hear Kels & Jilly fighting all the way where you live! I can only hope & pray they find some sisterly love and decide to get along for a change (yeah I know, wishful thinking).
Today Jilly went to Bria's (her step mom) for the weekend, only one more weekend of visits I believe before Bria & the kids move to Norway, then Jilly will be with me ALL the time. She is going to miss them.
Kels is staying here this weekend so she can go see a friend graduate. In the mean time she has had fun playing with Bree. Bree has been full of mischief tonight! I don't know where she gets her energy. She kept taking Kelsey's phone and saying you can't get me Kelso! Then she'd laugh and laugh. Right now they are cuddling together on the couch. Bree only had a 15 min. nap today, I can't believe she is still awake.
I'm not going to do Mama M.'s 5 Question Friday today. I looked at the questions and I don't really have any good answers for them, so it would be totally boring and stupid if I did them. Oh well, there's always next week.
Maybe I should ask YOU all 5 questions instead :)
1. How did you meet your spouse/significant other?
2. What is your favorite song?
3. Do you like thunder storms?
4. Do you twitter?
5. What time did you wake up today?
There. Answer those in the comments area if you want. :)
Oh....what did you think of Grey's Anatomy last night? Was that intense or what? I'm looking forward to next season for sure.
I keep forgetting to mention it, I have signed up to walk in the Relay For Life in memory of Elliott (friends son who passed away in April for those of you that do not know). If anyone has a few dollars to spare and would like to donate PLEASE do. Here is a link to my donation page, I'd be grateful for any support you can give. I hope to reach my goal, I signed up late, so who knows. Wish me luck! It should be a fun night of walking, talking, and friends if nothing else. I just hope the weather (and Bree!) cooperates.
Ok, thats all for now. I think I'm going to go cuddle with my little crazy girl, and hope she goes to sleep so I can too! Have a great night. Toodles!
SUPER FUDGE! Quadruple Chocolate Brownies
1 week ago
1 comment:
I'll answer your questions. Here they are.
1. I met my hubby dragging State Street. Can you believe it. Me and my friend were actually headed home, but decided, one more turn around, and that's when we met. The rest is history.
2. Oh gosh. Hard question. ummm, I'll go with my favorite Christmas Song. O Holy Night.
3. I only like thunder storms if I am safely inside my home. Don't like to have to drive in them.
4. No twitter for this strange lady.
5. The same as every work day. 4:50 AM.
Have a great night.
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