Today is the last Monday of school for the year! Yikes. Kelsey's last day of school is today, Jilly's is Friday. Which means its the end of quiet times, and the beginning of sister fights, kids going in and out, constant eating all day, many many messes, and all that fun stuff. Woohoo! I'm thankful I have my kids though, don't get me wrong. I just wish they'd behave a little better some (most) of the time.
The morning so far has started pretty rough today. After a crappy nights sleep I did NOT want to get up, thats for sure. Kelsey still isn't feeling well, she has a sore throat and stuff. Jilly was crying and dramatic because of her sunburn she got over the weekend. Bree woke cranky and screamed in the van from Jilly's school to Kelsey's. I ate corn last night and I'm suffering the consequences its been quite the morning. LOL. At least its going to be a nice warm (HOT) day, and no rain. We will probably spend a lot of time out in the back yard sweating, and watching Bree & Jilly play with Bree's water table. I wish we still had our pool up...but then again I don't. It took up way to much room and we always had problems keeping it clean.
Please keep Jilly in your thoughts, she has a rough weekend coming up. It will be her last weekend with her step mom & step siblings, then they move to Norway. SO she will have to say good-bye to them, and to her dads house, she'll have nothing left of her dad here to be comforted by. I have a feeling its going to be a tearfilled weekend.
Thats all for now, almost time to get Kels from school already, she only had to go till 9:30 today. Fun fun. Toodles!
QOTD: Do you ever think about what it would be like to return to school?
SUPER FUDGE! Quadruple Chocolate Brownies
1 week ago
It would be pure hell to return to school. I would hate every single minute of it. Yuk.
I will keep Jilly in my thoughts. But maybe, just maybe someday she can travel to Norway, and what a treat that would be.
Yay for no more school!! Boo for kids fighting!
Hope your day gets better. Hope you guys have fun outside today!
I feel so sorry for Jilly bean. At least she will get to still "see" and talk to them through Skype. I will definitely be keeping her in my thoughts over the weekend.
QOTD: I do think about going back to school (college). I would actually love to go back and get my degree, but with student loans that still haven't been paid off I doubt I will get to for a long time.
Poor Jilly Bean. I really feel for her and her situation.
QOTD: I'd love to go back to school and get a new degree. I would like to get a teaching degree for elementary grades.
I hope Jilly does ok! I feel awful for her! Skype baby!
Sorry you had a rough night. I did too! Ava's diaper overflowed and she peed all over me in my own bed. Then we woke up to snow! And I have a sore thorat, runny nose, and sneezing like crazy today. Total Monday! Hope you guys have a better one too!
ANSWER: SOMEIMES I wished I could go back and do some things differently. Like telling off all the 'popular' mean girls!! :)
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