I know, I haven't updated in a bit...Sorry!
Zach turned 18 on Aug. 14, I can't believe my son is an adult now! EEK. Aubrey turns 8 months on Aug. 19, and Jilly turns 8 years old on Aug. 23...whats with all the 8's? And its the 8th month of 08! :) I think thats pretty cool...I have a thing for numbers (just not math).
Bill was off work a few days. He had a fender bender on his way out to lunch the other day, so they sent him out for a drug test (it happened as he was leaving work), and had him off on paid leave until they got the results back. He of course passed it. The dickheads at RRD called at 11 p.m. Thursday night to tell him. Why didn't they call at a decent hour, the jerks woke me up!!
Kelsey started school yesterday and her day went pretty good. She is a freshman now, wow! She's been pretty moody lately, moreso then usual...I think its because she has the hots for a boy...yikes!
Jilly's had a long boring week. Her BFF Jackie was in the hospital most of the week. So Jilly was driving me and Kelsey nuts. I was very glad when Jackie got home and was able to play again, Thank you Jackie!! :)
Aubrey is still as cute as ever :) I took some pics and posted them at the top here... She isn't crawling yet, which in a way bums me out but then again it doesn't, because I don't have to worry about hiding the cat food and litter box just yet lol. She tries to pull herself up, usually by grabbing my boobs when I'm sitting on the floor with her. OUCH.
As for me, not much is new...still fat and sassy. I've been having some pain in my foot lately, like the back of my foot, above my heel. For a while it hurt to even touch there. Going up and down stairs was horrible. Yesterday when I went upstairs I noticed with each step I took my foot made a clicking/popping noise...that doesn't sound like a good thing. Oh well..
Thats it for now...