I hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving with friends & family. Did you over stuff yourself on all that great food? I sure did. It was great food, even if I did cook it! Our day consisted of just us, and my parents. My brothers had other obligations. They were missed a lot though.
I didn't sleep well Thanksgiving Eve, felt like I was awake every hour by something. At 5:30 I said screw it and just got up and started about my to do list. I showered, cleaned, cooked, cleaned again, we ate, cleaned again, mom and dad went home, put the tree up, cleaned again, felt exhausted, tried to nap...with no luck, then at 11:30 we left to shop! Yep, the girls & I (even Bree) were out the door at 11:30 p.m. to go Black Friday shopping. We wanted to make sure to get the stuff we wanted at Wallyworld, their sale started at midnight. Bree had a little nap before, I was hoping she'd stay sleeping in the van and at the store, but no such luck, she woke up as we left. Walmart was a madhouse, but we were able to score everything on our short list, check out, and be out the door....by 1 a.m. Ummm the next sale isn't until 4, so we sat in the van. And sat in the van. And SAT IN THE VAN. Steak and Shake was open, and making a killing, SUPER BUSY. We ended up getting in the drive thru line for some fries. We were in line for 45 minutes. Wow. But, since we had nothing better to do it was ok! We kept warm while the van was running. We went to park again and eat the fries...after that we needed a potty break, so we drove to a gas station that was open. Then back to the parking lot at JcPenney. Thank goodness they ended up opening a bit early, at 3:30. We were out of there by about 4:30, and home by 5 a.m.. What a LONG night. The girls all behaved, even Bree who stayed awake until about 4, when she crashed in the stroller. I was so glad to get home and go to bed...but not before I had to clean cat crap off the bathroom carpet, ugh stupid cat. Getting in bed at 5ish (little after) and waking at 7:20 to talk to my husband when he got home, then back to sleep till 8:30...just was NOT enough sleep! But Bree got up, so I had no choice but to get up too. Mommy duty called. Kels slept half the day. Jillian slept until like 3:20! She only got up because I made her. Must be nice. Bree never did nap yesterday...until we were driving to our friends house. I didn't get to sleep last night until nearly midnight, I was SO TIRED! But, I guess it was worth it, to get some good deals on Christmas presents for the kids. With money tight, you gotta save when/where you can!
Did YOU go Black Friday shopping? Did you get some good deals?
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies
4 weeks ago
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