Tuesday, March 29, 2011


**Frustrating Blogging day. I've tried several times to post this morning, but for some reason when I click on preview my spacking is all gone, which makes things hard to read! Trying one more time. If it shows up without spacing I'm sorry, I don't have time to fart around with it anymore, I've got work to be doing!** UGH UGH UGH, just previewed and it shows no spacing AGAIN! I'm going to color each paragraph a different color, and hopefully that will help seperate things for you in reading. Sorry. :( Time for a quicky Dear... post. Please join in! If you blog it, be sure to hop over to Dazee's blog and link up. I'm not putting the picture in today for the Dear... letters because that seems to be screwing me up today. I believe I have a link to her blog on the side ----> I'm afraid to try to link anything else in fear of messing up what I've typed already LOL. Dear Customer...Thanks for your order! I was surprised & shocked to see an email last week for an order of 3 doz. cookies decorated and 2 cakes! I'm glad you enjoyed the cookie platter I sent to the school several months ago, which made you want to order from me. :) Dear cookies & cakes, Please look and taste awesome! Dear Swagbucks...I wanna be the hourly random winner! Pick me pick me! No fair that some peoples names are picked twice in one day! Dear readers...Anyone wanna join Swagbucks? :) If you do, let me know and I will refer you. I would love to get extra swagbucks to earn some cool stuff! Dear Bree...I hope your cold/allergy crap goes away soon. Dear Bree...I know you love to wash your hands, but ease up on the soap! We just got that new bottle of soap on Saturday, and its over half gone already! Dear Kelsey...thanks for FINALLY cleaning the litter boxes...now its time to do it again. Dear Jilly...Please stop dirtying 2 million dishes a day. If you don't, I'll be teaching you the joys of dishwashing... Dear Self...SLACKER. Shame on you. Dear Warm Weather...Get back here! You teased us a few days, then brought in the cold again. Not nice. Dear Money Fairy...Please drop me a load. I want to get a fancy camera, and some photography classes (among a ton of other things). Speaking of photography, Kelsey asked me to take some pictures of her over the weekend so the girls & I did an indoor photo shoot. Most are of Kelsey, Bree wasn't into cooperating, and Jilly got bored with it quickly. I took over 500 pictures. The better of the bunch are on my Flickr account. Please feel free to check them out here: Indoor photo shoot . Let me know what you think! Toodles!

1 comment:

Dazee Dreamer said...

great dear letters. sorry you were having such a hard time getting them to post right