On the way to the girls schools I saw a lot of trees and limbs down. One limb was in the middle of the road right around the corner from our house. I had to squeeze by the side of it, Kels got a little nervous. The girls made it to school ok. Thankfully the wind wasn't as bad as when I got up, if it was, Jilly would have blown away!
A few hours later I decided to go out with the camera and take a few pictures, of course I'm going to show them to you :)

Cool huh?
It's not looking to bad out right now, but I hear we are supposed to have winds continue through tomorrow sometime. There will be a lot of clean up in town this week I think. Thank God this didn't happen on Halloween!
I feel like I got a taste of what those in Hurricane regions go through. I'm glad I'm not in those areas. My taste was enough.
QOTD: Have you ever had home damage due to high winds?
We lost shingles off our house. like a whole section, not just a few. scary.
Yesterday a tree across from us fell down across the chain link fence crushing it. The last storm we had a month or two ago took down a large tree between us and our neighbor.
We've had flood damage in the past as well.
My biggest fear is a tornado or a fire!
WOW!! Hope all is well and back to normal. This crazy weather is...well, crazy!
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