The last 2 nights have been crappy in the sleep department. After the first night, I hoped and prayed Bree would nap during the day so I could take one too, but of course she took a late cat nap and I had to cook dinner.
Finally last night, Bree went to sleep at 11:00 p.m., I took the dog out to do her business then went to my own bed. I made the mistake of turning the TV on, when there was a cake decorating show on (Cake Boss)...and its hard to close my eyes because I don't want to miss it. midnight I finally turned off the TV. Oh, but before that, dumb dog had to go out and do more business twice! I get comfy in bed, close my eyes, and dumb dog is whining again. UGH. She must have had tummy issues. I took her out yet again, when she came in I gave her some meds, and hoped she'd be done for the night. She wasn't. Several more trips out she went. Finally at 3 I said screw this, I let her out, and left her out and went back to bed. The weather was decent so it wasn't a problem, and she could go into the garage if need be. At 5 a.m. Bree woke crying. I got her some milk, told her I had to go potty and let the dog in, she thankfully went back to sleep. Once Moo came in,she finally was quiet for the rest of the night/morning. I went back to bed. Then at 7:30 Bree woke crying again. Thinking she'd be up for the morning, I handed her a fresh milk, told her she can come out if she wanted, I just had to go potty. I went potty, then went to make coffee...thinking she'd be out any time. Coffee was done, I went to check on Miss Bree and she is sleeping again. Unfortunatly, I was to awake to fall back to sleep by now, and I had fresh hot coffee with lots of sugar and coconut creamer calling my name. So here I am. Awake, but tired, going for my 2nd cup of coffee.
I'm again hoping and praying for a nap today. Pretty sad when nap time is the first thing you think of when waking up isn't it? I guess I'm getting old....well that, and I have a dog and a daughter that don't like me sleeping.
QOTD: How do you take your coffee? Black? Cream & sugar?
Heart-Shaped Chocolate Hazelnut Sandwich Cookies
2 weeks ago
K-so I had a hellva night with little Ava! She woke me up at 2 to watch 'dora boots' and to get some apple juice. This little one is the boss in this house. I really need to put my foot down!
I love my coffee with the carmel macciato creamer mixed in. Ever had the Dunken Dounuts ground coffee? SO GOOD!
Your sleep has been messed up since you had Bree. I keep hoping that one of these days it will resemble something a little more normal.
QOTD: I don't drink coffee. Once in a while I'll have a French Vanilla Capp from Tim Horton's but it isn't often.
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